Finding the right personal injury lawyer to handle your case is vital for a successful outcome. An initial consultation with a potential attorney is an opportunity to assess their knowledge, experience, and fit for your specific needs.
You get to know a personal injury lawyer through a free initial consultation; every attorney will offer you a free case review, asking you questions about your case and answering what you may want to know. You must come prepared to this meeting because this may be your only chance to ask important questions before hiring a personal injury lawyer in Minnetonka.
Your questions may range from specific inquiries about your case to general questions about the lawyer and how they may handle your legal matter. Not only do you want to learn more about the legal process, but you also want to get a sense of what the lawyer may be like to work with when they represent you.
If you still need to contact a personal injury lawyer, now is the time to do so. You cannot afford to risk your legal rights by not having representation for any significant period, because the insurance company may try to pounce and take advantage of you. Enlisting an attorney does not cost you anything out of your pocket. A personal injury lawyer only gets paid if and when you win your case, and not for any other result. All it takes is a phone call and speaking with the lawyer to learn whether they are the right personal injury attorney to represent you.
In the meantime, here are some questions to ask a personal injury lawyer.
Do I Have a Strong Case?
A personal injury lawyer will ask you about the facts of your case. They will want to know that your case has some strength before they agree to work with you. If they accept your case and you do not win, your lawyer has worked for you for free. When they hear the facts, an attorney will have a general idea of whether you have a solid case. They may have some more questions to ask you to learn more.
Your personal injury attorney can explain the possible strength of your case, but they will need to learn more before they give you an exact answer. Even if your attorney tells you they believe you have a decent case, they cannot guarantee any result. Much depends on the insurance company and how it responds to your claim. Insurance companies may try to reach a settlement agreement or deny your claim entirely.
Are There Any Potential Issues with My Case?
Here, you are looking for a personal injury attorney who will be honest with you and set realistic expectations for your case. You do not want someone who will build up expectations in your head when, in reality, you may face difficulties. A lawyer should give you an objective read on your case, including any challenges you may face and how the attorney intends to deal with them. They cannot know all the issues in a brief conversation, but they may explain possible problems.
I was Partially at Fault for the Accident. Can I Still Recover Compensation?
Do not assume you cannot receive compensation if you were partially to blame for the accident. Everything depends on the laws of the state where you file your claim. A handful of states have stringent laws that eliminate the possibility of compensation if you were even 1 percent to blame for the accident. However, these states are in the minority. At the other end of the spectrum, some states allow you to recover money so long as you are less than 100 percent to blame for the accident. The amount of money you will receive depends on the percentage of blame that you bear. Many states will allow you to recover some compensation so long as you were not more than 50 percent to blame for the accident.
Insurance companies like to point a finger at the claimant to reduce their liability to you. They may make wrongful allegations that take something you said or other evidence out of context. An experienced personal injury attorney can defend you from any allegations, presenting evidence that shows what you did leading up to the accident and why you were not at fault.
Will My Personal Injury Case Go to Trial?
You want to know how the legal process will unfold in your case. You may think there is a high probability that your personal injury case will end up in court and before a jury. However, it may surprise you that personal injury trials are the exception rather than the norm. Most personal injury cases will settle at some point, regardless of whether you are dealing with the insurance company informally or have filed a lawsuit in court.
Even if there is a slim chance that your case will go to trial, you still need help from an experienced personal injury attorney. You must negotiate with the insurance company, and it may only respond when there is any threat to litigate the case. Insurance companies have a different response when they see a lawyer sitting across the table from them because they know that there may be consequences. Of course, you can file a lawsuit and go to a jury trial if the insurance company does not settle your case on reasonable terms, or denies your claim entirely.
How Will My Lawyer Determine the Value of My Case?

One of your first questions will invariably be about how much money you can expect for your injuries if you can prove liability. A personal injury lawyer may be unable to give you a definitive number on the spot when they first meet you. They may explain how to value your case, but they will need to review the specifics of your situation first before they can give you a better idea of how much you can receive.
Your personal injury lawyer will explain that you have the right to economic and non-economic damages. The first category covers the financial losses you have suffered as a direct result of your injuries. These damages can include medical expenses and lost income. You can also receive compensation for your non-economic damages, a more subjective category that covers the experience that you have had to live through because of your injuries. This category can include things like pain and suffering and the loss of enjoyment of your life before your injuries. Non–economic damages are more complicated to value, and you need the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer.
How Often Will You Be in Touch During My Case?
It is essential to know how your attorney plans to communicate with you during the duration of your case. Effective communication is crucial when working with a personal injury lawyer. Ask about their preferred method of communication and how often you can expect updates on your case. Clear and consistent communication will allow you to stay informed and participate in the decision-making process.
Not only should your personal injury lawyer provide you with vigorous legal representation, but they should also do it in a way that provides exemplary customer service. You are already going through a difficult enough time without a lawyer, which adds more stress because they are not responsive or keeping you well-informed. A personal injury lawyer has a professional obligation to inform you of the critical events in your case, such as when there is a ruling from the court or you receive a settlement offer.
You should pay close attention to how the lawyer responds to this question and the tone that they take with you. Personal injury cases can take considerable time, and you may have a longstanding relationship with your attorney. You need to develop a rapport with a lawyer who will be responsive to your concerns. Your personal injury lawyer should recognize that you are going through a difficult time, and they should compassionately handle your case. How they describe their communication can indicate how they will deal with you during the pendency of your case.
Can You Describe Cases Similar to Mine That You Have Handled?
Not every personal injury case is the same; some may be far more complex than others. If you have a large truck accident claim, it can be an entirely different case than a rear-end car accident causing whiplash. There are various sources of evidence, and much more money may be on the line. Thus, having an attorney with specific experience handling cases like yours is best. It does not make sense to hire a family law attorney or a lawyer who has never seen the inside of the courtroom to represent you in a complex personal injury claim with a high chance of litigation.
You want to leave the initial consultation feeling comfortable that the personal injury lawyer you hire has the knowledge and experience to get you the best possible result.
How Do You Get Paid for Your Time and Services?

You always want to understand how your personal injury lawyer will get compensated for their work on your case. You may have concerns about how you will afford a personal injury attorney because you have heard that lawyers can be expensive.
A personal injury lawyer will explain that they do not ask you to pay them any money upfront when you hire them, nor will they send you any bills during your case. They will represent you on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid from your settlement or jury award, should you receive one. You also take on an obligation to pay them if you win your case. Until then, you owe them nothing for their time and services. If, for some reason, you do not win your case, you will not be on the hook for legal fees to your lawyer. All it takes to get legal help is to sign a representation agreement with the lawyer.
How Many Cases Do You Handle at One Time?
You want to understand whether your prospective attorney can handle your case to deliver the best possible result. Personal injury lawyers should not overextend themselves in a way that will keep them from delivering diligent representation and excellent client service.
Your attorney may explain that they will be working on your case along with their colleagues. You want to understand who will handle your case and how much time the attorney you are talking to will spend on it. The last thing you want is to hire a personal injury attorney only to have them hand your case off to an associate who may not be as qualified to handle it.
Your lawyer may be unable to give you precise answers to some of your questions on the spot, and there is nothing wrong with that. They can only answer some of these inquiries in detail once they learn more about you. It does not help to give you a specific answer that turns out to be wrong. You can expect to hear many answers, beginning with an “it depends,” followed by an explanation of particular factors that can affect your case. This answer means that the lawyer is thoughtful and wants you to understand the thinking behind the answer. You certainly do not want a lawyer who makes lofty promises (something they are often not allowed to do) and does not deliver results. Then, you may have given away your one chance to settle a personal injury claim.
Remember, a successful attorney-client relationship always has trust, open communication, and shared goals. Understanding their approach will help determine if their strategy aligns with your goals and preferences. Asking these questions during your initial consultation will give you the necessary information to decide if a personal injury lawyer fits your case and give you confidence in your decision moving forward. Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer today.