Are you experiencing pain, numbness, or tingling in your hand and wrist? These symptoms can be indicators of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), a condition that occurs when the median nerve, which runs through the wrist, becomes compressed.
CTS can be caused by repetitive hand movements, such as typing or assembly line work, making it a common workplace injury. If you are suffering from CTS and are struggling to perform your job duties, it's important to know your rights and explore the possibility of filing a workers' compensation claim.
Contact a workers’ compensation lawyer near you to learn more about your options and get the assistance you need throughout the legal process. Your health and well-being should not be compromised, so take action today to protect your rights.
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects the hand and wrist. It occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm to the hand, becomes compressed or squeezed at the wrist. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway in the wrist that protects the median nerve and tendons.
CTS symptoms include pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and fingers. These symptoms can radiate from the wrist up the arm. The severity of symptoms can vary, but they often worsen over time, especially if left untreated.
Can I Make a Workers' Compensation Claim for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
It might not be straightforward, but you can make a claim against an employer for CTS if your work duties caused it. Of course, the onus is on the claimant to prove their injury exists and that it interferes with their daily existence.
These conditions must be met to launch a CTS workers' comp claim:
- You have a clear case of CTS that needs medical intervention, and the symptoms caused are damaging your ability to function.
- Your work performance tasks led to the development or worsening of CTS, or you suffered a workplace accident that led to the injury.
How Can I Prove My Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Happened at Work?

Naturally, even a clear case of CTS must be shown to have occurred in the workplace. Thankfully, there are several ways to show it is work-related, and a workers' compensation attorney can take these steps. These actions are as follows:
Doctor's Statements
One or more qualified doctors' written testimonials about your injury's workplace origin will help you build a case for full benefits.
Documenting the Onset of CTS Symptoms
Having a timeline of the CTS is useful. Keeping all your medical records from when the symptoms began will correlate with the work and injury pattern.
Present Witness Reflections
Of course, there will be other co-workers, friends, or family members who can bear witness to the regression of your CTS. Other people who were present to see the repetitive motion causing the injury can add more authority to the claim.
Demonstrate No Other Potential Causes
Some state workers' compensation laws state that a claimant must show that no other factors contributed to the injury. Some medical conditions might exacerbate CTS, including previous injuries that occurred outside the workplace.
How to Diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
There are several ways to detect CTS, and any injured worker might want to consider these before making a claim. Here are the following methods used to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome:
Electric Signal Tests
Certain electric tests are suitable for CTS diagnosis and may form the basis of a legal claim: they include nerve conduction studies, ultrasounds, and electromyography.
Physical Examination
Typically, a CTS medical practitioner will look at your entire upper body to see if your symptoms are from another activity. A doctor will do a series of tests, such as a median nerve test, to rule out other potential causes.
X-rays and Laboratory Tests
X-rays or other lab-based tests may be necessary to detect other factors, such as diabetes, arthritis, or previous fractures.
Jobs Most Likely to Cause Workplace Injuries

Certain kinds of work are more closely associated with CTS. These jobs typically involve
repetitive hand movements or the use of vibrating tools, which can put stress on the wrist and increase the risk of developing CTS.
However, it is not limited to physical labor, and some surprising tasks can trigger this problem.
Some jobs that are commonly associated with CTS include:
- Manufacturing and factory workers
- Construction workers
- Office work, especially jobs that involve extensive computer use
- Cashier or cashier-related work
- Hairstylists and barbers
- Massage therapists
- Musicians
- Locksmiths
- Agricultural workers
- Dentists or dental hygienists
It's important to note that employers have a duty of care to their staff and should take necessary precautions to prevent workplace injuries. If your job involves any of the above tasks and you develop CTS, it may be a good reason to consult a workers' compensation attorney.
What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is most commonly caused by repetitive hand movements and activities that put pressure on the median nerve. Some common causes of CTS include:
Repetitive Motions
Engaging in repetitive hand movements, such as typing, using a mouse, or gripping tools, can contribute to the development of CTS.
Forceful or Prolonged Hand Use
Jobs requiring forceful or prolonged use of the hands, such as gripping or vibrating tools, can strain the wrists and increase the risk of developing CTS.
Incorrect Posture
Poor ergonomics and improper wrist positioning while performing tasks can contribute to the development of CTS. It can also occur because of inadequate seating arrangements.
Pre-existing Health Conditions
Certain underlying health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, arthritis, and thyroid disorders, can increase the risk of developing CTS.
If you believe your job duties have contributed to the development of CTS, it's important to consult a workers' compensation attorney to explore your options for seeking benefits.
Can I Seek Workers’ Comp Benefits for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
If you have developed CTS as a result of your job, you may be entitled to seek workers’ compensation benefits from your employer’s insurance company. Making a claim for CTS, or any other workplace injury, typically involves the following steps:
Reporting the Injury
Inform your employer about your condition as soon as possible. Documenting the incident and providing medical records and other evidence to support your claim is crucial. Each state has deadlines for reporting the injury to your employer, and missing yours can compromise your rights to workers' compensation benefits.
Seeking Medical Treatment
See a healthcare professional who can diagnose and treat your CTS. The severity of your injury and the duration of your employment are key factors in determining the validity of your claim.
Filing a Workers' Compensation Claim
Consult a workers' compensation attorney to guide you through the process of filing a claim. They will ensure you meet all the necessary requirements and gather the required documentation to support your claim.
If CTS has resulted in a significant impact on your ability to work and earn a living, there may be a case for seeking additional damages related to your injury. An experienced attorney can determine the best course of action for your specific situation. You really don't want to do this alone.
Workers' Compensation — What to Know

In most states, employers are obligated to provide workers' compensation insurance for their employees. However, the specific laws and requirements vary from state to state. While you might have an idea of your state's laws regarding benefit settlements for workplace injuries, speaking to a workers' compensation attorney is the logical step to ensure you fully understand your rights and options.
Workers' compensation insurance is designed to provide medical benefits and wage replacement to employees who are injured on the job. This means that if you develop CTS due to your work-related activities, you may be eligible for benefits to cover your medical expenses, lost income, rehabilitation, and other related costs.
Consulting a workers' compensation attorney will not only handle the claim process but also increase the likelihood of receiving a fair settlement for your injuries.
Have You Suffered Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
CTS can be a debilitating condition that affects individuals in various professions, not just those engaged in physically demanding jobs. Simple tasks like typing, using a telephone, or even playing a musical instrument can contribute to the development of CTS.
The following scenarios may reflect a situation where CTS can arise:
- A data entry clerk who spends hours each day typing on a computer develops CTS due to the repetitive motion of their fingers.
- A customer service representative who spends extended periods answering phone calls experiences CTS from holding the phone and repeatedly typing notes during calls.
- An assembly line worker making repeated hand and wrist movements.
Suppose you experience symptoms of CTS or suspect that your job may be contributing to your condition. In that case, it's important to speak to an attorney who has worked on workers' compensation cases.
They can evaluate your situation, provide guidance, and determine if you have a valid claim for benefits.
Why Consulting a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Can Benefit You
When dealing with a workplace injury like CTS, consulting a workers' compensation attorney is essential to protect your rights and ensure a fair resolution. Here are some ways an attorney can benefit you:
Providing Legal Guidance
A workers' compensation attorney understands the intricacies of the system. They can guide you through the process, gather the necessary evidence, and ensure you meet all the legal requirements to file your claim successfully.
Evaluating Your Case
An attorney will assess the details of your situation, including the severity of your CTS and its impact on your ability to work and perform daily activities. They will determine whether you have a viable claim for workers’ comp benefits.
Negotiating with Insurance Companies
Insurance companies often try to minimize what they pay out. A skilled attorney will advocate on your behalf and negotiate with the insurance company to ensure you receive fair benefits for your injuries, including medical expenses, lost earnings, and any other related damages.
Representing Your Interests
If your employer disputes your claim or denies responsibility for your CTS, an attorney will fight for your rights and represent your interests in legal proceedings. Your workplace insurance company will always put the company's bottom line ahead of your welfare or future earnings loss.
The Benefits You Might Receive for a Workplace Injury
If you have suffered CTS or any other workplace injury, you may be entitled to various benefits as part of your workers' compensation claim. While these benefits are limited compared to personal injury claims, they do provide important financial support and relief in the wake of a serious injury.
- Medical coverage - Your benefits should cover the costs of all treatment you need for carpal tunnel. This includes diagnostic testing, specialist appointments, surgery when necessary, medical equipment, physical therapy, and more.
- Income replacement - Carpal tunnel keeps many people out of work for some time, and you should receive benefits to cover partial income replacement based on your state laws.
By consulting a workers' compensation attorney, you can ensure you receive the maximum benefits the law entitles you to. An attorney's input will increase the likelihood of receiving a fair outcome that adequately compensates you for the financial toll of your workplace injury.
Call a Workers' Compensation Lawyer Today
If you have CTS or any other workplace injury, don't delay in seeking legal assistance. Contact a workers' compensation attorney in your area who regularly assists individuals with personal injury claims.
These attorneys generally work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case. This arrangement takes away the financial burden of upfront legal fees and ensures that you can seek justice without worrying about upfront costs.
Your health and well-being should not be compromised, and a skilled attorney can take over the legal process and fight for the full benefits you deserve.
Don't wait any longer. Take action today and protect your rights by contacting a workers' compensation attorney near you. They will provide the guidance and support you need during this challenging time.